“In Plain Sight” is an emotional and impactful story set in modern America among residents of a trailer park who struggle not only with their economic situation but also with a net of mysteries and secrets. The fully black-and-white game follows 17-year-old Mackenzie Carter, who desperately needs to find out what happened to her mother. During this journey, Mackenzie also gets in touch with her dear but estranged friend, April, as they both try to uncover the truth.


Fireyside, LLC is a fully independent, privately-held indie game studio that was built by and continues to improve thanks to people from all over the world. Founded in 2019, the company welcomed onboard both veterans of the gaming industry as well as newcomers. We are a loud, passionate, and fully committed bunch that challenges each other every day.


“In Plain Sight” is the first of a series of connected stories that take place in the fictional town of SilverCreek. Every game tells a different story with its own mystery and investigation painting a picture of American society that’s both heartbreaking and humorous. A powerful coming-of-age story introduces not only the growing pains but also the struggle of finding one’s place in the modern world. Even if experienced separately, all the stories are intertwined and strongly connected to each other, encouraging the players to revisit the previous titles.



Please, do not hesitate to contact us. We never sleep anyway.



Media/business inquiry: PRESS@FIREYSIDE.COM
Technical support: SUPPORT@FIREYSIDE.COM